Consulting, Guest Lecturing and Research
Consulting for shelters, government agencies and private business in tailoring behaviour assessments to their needs and reviewing current protocols to create a more scientific approach to behaviour assessments and predictability of behaviour
Research consultant for private businesses or universities in animal behaviour, behaviour analysis and statistical analysis. Liam has extensive experience in creating research projects, animal ethics, statistical analysis and publications.
Guest lecturing for universities in animal behaviour, behaviour analysis, animal physiology and statistical analysis.
Supervising honours, masters and PhD students
Published papers:
Clay, Liam, Paterson, Mandy, Bennett, Pauleen, Perry, Gaille., Rohlf, Vanessa., Phillips, Clive, 2020, In Defense of Canine Behavioral Assessments in Shelters: Outlining Their Positive Applications, Journal of Veterinary Behavior, vol. 38 , pp 74 - 81.
Clay, Liam, Paterson, Mandy, Bennett, Pauleen, Perry, Gaille., Phillips, Clive 2019, Early recognition of behaviour problems in shelter dogs by monitoring them in their kennels after admission to a shelter, Animals, vol. 9, pp. 875
Clay, Liam, Paterson, Mandy, Bennett, Pauleen, Perry, Gaille., Phillips, Clive 2019, Do behaviour assessments in shelter predict the behaviour of dogs post-adoption? Animals, vol. 10, pp. 1225
Clay, Liam, Paterson, Mandy, Bennett, Pauleen, Perry, Gaille., Phillips, Clive 2019, Comparison of Canine behaviour scored using a Shelter behaviour assessment and an owner completed questionnaire, C-BARQ, Animals, vol. 10, pp. 1797
Book Chapters:
“ Welfare of dogs and humans in animal-assisted interventions” Animal-assisted interventions for Health and Human Service Professionals, 2020
For further information, quote or to discuss, contact us now!